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Institute of Bioinformatics and Structural Biology
Prespliceosome structure provides insights into spliceosome assembly and regulation
Nature 559, 419–422 (2018)
C Plaschka*, PC Lin*, C Charenton, K Nagai
*These authors contributed equally
Cryo-EM studies of pre-mRNA splicing: from sample preparation to model visualization
Annual review of biophysics 47, 175-199 (2018)
M Wilkinson*, PC Lin*, C Plaschka*, Kiyoshi Nagai
*These authors contributed equally
Cwc23 is a component of the NTR complex and functions to stabilize Ntr1 and facilitate disassembly of spliceosome intermediates
Nucleic Acids Research, 46, 3764–3773 (2018)
YL Su, HC Chen, RT Tsai, PC Lin, Soo-Chen Cheng
CryoEM structures of two spliceosomal complexes: starter and dessert at the spliceosome feast
Current opinion in structural biology 36, 48-57 (2016)
TH Nguyen, W Galej, SM Fica, PC Lin, A Newman, K Nagai
Structure and assembly of the SF3a splicing factor complex of U2 snRNP
The EMBO journal 31, 1579-1590 (2012)
PC Lin, RM Xu
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